What is dior skin analyzer?
What is dior skin analyzer?

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer
dior skin analyzer
skin analyzer
What is Dior Skin Analyzer?
Ex-direttrice e redattrice di Softonic.it, scrive per vocazione e smanetta per uno di quegli strani casi della vita che proprio non ti spieghi. Appassionata di moda, cucina e tecnologia, ama collezionare accessori fashion tech, giocare con Instagram e semplificare la vita propria e degli altri con l’aiuto di app e aggeggi hitech: casa sua sembra il covo dell’Ispettore Gadget. Scrive da un Mac, whatsappa da Android e pinna da un iPad. E non si capisce perché, ma trova ispirazione solo se ascolta musica anni ’80. Conoscila meglio!
How to use the dior skin analyzer?
Dior is one with technology. The Skin Analyzer is the latest technology from Dior to complete a quick and expert skin analysis.
This unique and revolutionary two-in-one device allows in one single step to analyze with accuracy various measurements of the skin as well as the skin’s tone.
It instantly measures 6 parameters to determine what your skin really needs to restore and re-balance itself:
Color balance
Gravity resistance
Then, it recommends specific skincare products to create your own made-to-measure routine.
It also finds out what foundation shade suits you best, together with an appropriate combination of blushes and lipsticks to enhance your beauty.
When your diagnosis is complete, our Beauty Consultants will be pleased to show you application techniques and backstage makeup tricks to arrive in style at your destination.

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer

dior skin analyzer
Why dior skin analyzer?
Let’s discuss foundation. Or, more specifically, that tiresome moment when you realise that the one you just bought is the wrong shade, so you chuck it. Straight into the bin. Throwing away 20-odd pounds because – let’s be honest – that’s how much a good one costs nowadays. At least. But these moments may be a thing of the past, thanks to Dior, who has just launched a rather snazzy 2-in-1 Skin Analyzer. Available in Dior beauty boutiques, it looks just like your iPhone, except there’s a hi-tech camera on top that takes a photograph of your chin. The device then examines the picture and tells you what condition your skin is in before prescribing the products it is best suited to. More excitingly, it assesses skin tone – yellow, pink or neutral – so as to tell you exactly which foundation, blusher and even lipstick you should wear. Never again will you make a bad investment. This is money-saving at its very finest.
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