What is bia skin analyzer?
What is bia skin analyzer?

bia skin analyzer

bia skin analyzer
Water is essential for the survival of all known forms of life on earth. Without it, we as humans are unable to survive. Our skin also needs water or moisture to;
function normally
appear hydrated
appear youthful and fresh
When facial skin becomes dehydrated, we develop fine lines and wrinkles, and we become prematurely aged.
In order to keep the skin healthy, we must get to know the moisture and oil levels of our skin, and determine what we can do to achieve an optimum balance. Achieving an optimum moisture and oil balance will result in a youthful glow to our skin.
bia skin analyzer review,bia skin analyzer manual,bia skin analyzer
It is amazing how rapidly air conditioning can dehydrate the surface of our skin. The BIA Skin Moisture and Oil Analyser will assist you in determining what is occurring in your skin at any time. It will also give you a first hand idea of the facial products which are benefiting your skin.
This skin analyser utilises Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA) technology to automatically determine the factors affecting skin condition, including;
moisture content
oil content
softness levels
BIA Analyser A5 booklet
The BIA Analyser comes with a copy of a 16 page A5 booklet giving full instruction on wrinkle reduction.
These results are then displayed on an LCD screen on the analyser with a convenient graphical illustration and description, making it easy for the user to understand and to interpret. General guidelines suggest that food, health condition, lifestyle and external environment are factors which ultimately affect our skin condition. display shows “Moist, Oil, Rough and Soft” variables
The display shows “Moist, Oil, Rough and Soft” variables
Bioelectric Impedance Analysis (BIA), utilises bioimpedance as the measuring theory (impedance belongs to one of the resistances in which the non-conductor effect is also involved) to determine the following factors in our skin tissues;
percentage of fat-free mass (body liquid and electrolyte)
percentage fat mass (fat does not contain water)
Operating Instructions
Operating Instructions:
Ensure your face is clean, dry and free of moisturisers or skin care products.
Remove the cap of the skin analyser, where you will see 2 metal probes.
Press the start button, place the probes on your skin and apply gentle pressure to ensure they are in full contact with the skin. You will feel no pain and there is no penetration to your skin.
After a few seconds a “beep” will emit, indicating that the testing is complete.
Remove the analyser and you can read and interpret the results.
The graph will show moisture, oil and roughness/smoothness read outs. They will range from a “0” (neutral) reading to -5 or +5, providing an easy to read result, highlighting the areas needing assistance on your face.
Using the BIA Skin Moisture and Oil Analyser, you can effectively determine whether your skin regime is working for your skin type, and you can determine whether you need to take extra care in specific situations (e.g., working in air conditioned environments, low humidity or high humidity weather conditions etc).
Never has it been easier to determine the health and wellbeing of your skin – such simple steps to ensure your youthful and beautiful skin.
Features include:
Single-key operation
Easy-to-read LCD display pattern (with blacklight source)
Anti-slip and ergonomic design for easy handling
Convenient cap to cover and protect probes
CR 2032 lithium battery (lasts over 1 year if used twice daily)
Low-voltage display
Includes User Guide
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