Do two sets of 10 to 12 reps on each leg (unless otherwise indicated), two or three times a week. Leave a day of rest between workouts.
Inner-Thigh Lift
(1) Lie on your right side, supporting your head on your hand. (If this position bothers your neck, fold your arm down and rest your head on it.) Bend your left leg, placing your foot flat on the floor. Your right leg is extended and slightly forward.
(2) Using your inner thigh muscles, lift your right leg toward the ceiling at least 6 inches. Hold, and then slowly lower. Repeat on the other side.
Seated Leg Raise
(1) Sit on a sturdy chair. Rest your feet on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees. Rest your hands on the chair at your sides.
(2) Exhale as you lift and extend your right leg. Hold for 30 seconds as you breathe normally. Then inhale as you lower your right leg and exhale as you repeat with your left leg. Hold for 30 seconds while breathing normally.
Single-Leg Squat
Standing with your feet together and arms by your sides, shift your weight onto your right foot. Rest the toe of your left foot next to your right foot for balance. Keeping your back straight, bend at your hips and knees, and slowly sit back onto your right leg, raising your arms straight in front of you as you lower (hold onto the back of a chair for balance, if you need to). Stop when your thighs are almost parallel to the floor, and hold for a second. Then press into your right foot through the heel and stand back up.
Seated Pillow Squeeze
Sit on a sturdy chair. Rest your feet on the floor with your knees bent 90 degrees. Place a pillow between your thighs. Exhale as you squeeze the pillow between your thighs, as if you were trying to squeeze the stuffing out of the pillow. Hold for 1 minute as you breathe normally. Rest 30 seconds to 1 minute between sets.
Source: Selene Yeager is an ACE-certified personal trainer, who specializes in helping women reach their fitness potential.
Exercises that Tone the Thighs
Regular presses on the inner thighs gradually tighten loose skin. Lie on your back and lift your legs up vertically. Spread your thighs apart slightly. Cross your arms so that each hand touches the opposite thigh on the inner side just above the knee. Bring your thighs together and at the same time push outwards with your palms. Count to 7 for each cycle, and aim to complete 10 cycles.
Lie on your back and rest your head on your hands. Draw up your legs so that they bend at the knees. Push your feet slightly apart. Draw in your abdominal muscles as you tilt the pelvis slightly above the ground. Squeeze your buttocks as you do the tilt. Press the knees together firmly once you get to the peak of the tilt. Count to 5, then slowly lower your body to the floor. Complete 10 sets. Also include aerobic exercises in your physical fitness activities.
Walking for just 20 to 30 minutes daily improves circulation, which helps to tighten loose skin on the thighs. Other measures to tighten skin involve diet and skin care.
Diet, Bath and Skin Care
Follow a diet plan that takes calories into account. However, it should not be so restrictive that it feels punitive. A low fat diet with minimal refined foods helps to prevent fat build-up. Cut down on consumption of fast foods. These foods generally have high fat and sugar content which results in excess weight. Fresh fruits and vegetables help to improve the elasticity of the skin. Drink lots of water daily to keep hydrated. This helps to rebuild and tone the skin on the thighs. It helps if you take a magnesium-rich food supplement to support muscle development and skin elasticity.
You can also use your daily bath time to tighten the skin on thighs. Use a loofah scrub on your legs and thighs to exfoliate loose skin. It also improves circulation and helps to tighten the skin. Apply lotions and creams onto your thighs that have proven efficacy to tighten loose skin. Some of the key ingredients in such products are vitamin E, collagen and olive oil.
Experts recommend that you lose no more than two pounds each week. A slow rate of weight loss is more kind to your body. You’re more likely to maintain your ideal weight when you shed it off gradually. Slow weight loss also prevents the common aftermath of loose skin associated with rapid weight loss.