why do i keep getting pimples in the same spot How to Stop?
3 Reasons why do i keep getting pimples in the same spot ?
We all have those pimples that rear up in what seems to be the exact same spot, sometimes even right after they’ve just finally healed up. Sometimes it pops up on cue at that time of your cycle or just when you were praying for flawless skin before a big event. The fact is, even blackheads come back after regular professional pore purging sessions. Why? Because acne and oily skin is complicated. It’s always “on” and needs diligent ’round-the-clock stalking to keep it balanced and blemish free. The number one reason that pimples seem to have a built in GPS is not due to friction from your favorite fedora, pore-clogging cosmetics, the wrong dietary choices, twitchy gland receptors, or fluctuating hormones (although these all play a major role), it’s our own habits that are the main offenders. Let’s break down how your actions keep that pimple rolling on back.
1 Reasons
Touching: A few things transpire when you mess with a papule or even a blackhead for that matter. Firstly, your fingers and nails not only transfer dirt and bacteria but stimulate blood flow to the area. New studies link that inflammation alone can stimulate more skin cells and sebum to be produced in acne prone people, which leads to more blockages and more blockages lead to more breakouts. Scientists are now not sure what comes first – the inflammation or the pimple (kind of like the chicken or the egg scenario) – but what they do agree on is that inflammation is bad and pimples don’t clear up until the inflammation is gone.
2 Reasons
Picking: Picking can also spread acne bacteria to an adjacent follicle, so basically the pore next door now becomes a pimple. Picking off a scab just opens up newly healed skin tissue to the outside world that’s chock full of airborne bacteria, dirt, and viruses, so the whole cleanup process begins again and many times results in an angrier pustule than what you had prior.
3 Reasons
Squeezing: When you get two forefingers in for a good ol’ squeeze with the goal of excavating your pimple’s contents, you run the risk of breaking the side of the follicle (pore). You’ll know it when you see clear fluids and blood – this is a major no-no as it increases the scarring risk. When bacteria spills out into a deeper layer of the skin (the dermis), it is majorly unwelcomed and your white blood cells swoop in to clean up the mess. To help the white blood cells get to the bacteria fast, structural fibers get broken down and this is what results in indentations and icepick scars. This internal cleanup also results in your skin trying to contain and force the bacteria out to protect you, which is when that non-inflamed bump now becomes a full blown painful pustule. For some people, that bacteria and damaged cell debris becomes a nodule or cyst, which spells “serious issue” and medical intervention will need to be considered.
3 Ways tell you How to stop it?
Getting breakout after breakout in the same area can really be annoying, but we have solutions for you! We’ve done the research, and we’ve found that taking good care of your skin is the best first step. If you’re still having a hard time, stop the problem before it starts by taking preventative measures. If your problems are on your body and not your face, make sure that you’re wearing breathable fabrics and keeping your body and bedding clean.
Caring for Your Skin
- 1
Limit what touches your skin. If you repeatedly get acne on specific parts of your body, think about what touches that area regularly. You may find that your hands or an article of clothing may be touching that area and causing breakouts. To prevent this, avoid touching your face with dirty hands or wearing tight fitting or dirty clothes.
- For example, if you wear a baseball cap and regularly get acne on your forehead, try not wearing the hat and see if the acne clears up.
- Acne can also appear in places that are regularly in contact with your hair (for example, on the forehead, under your bangs). This can be a particular problem if you use oily hair care products. Try keeping your hair off of the affected area, and stick to hair products that are oil-free.[1]
- 2
Clean your skin regularly. To avoid acne, you should wash acne-prone areas only twice a day. Washing your skin removes oil and dead skin that can lead to breakouts. When you are looking for acne creams or gels, look for something with either benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid as the active ingredient.
- Avoid over washing your skin, which can dry out and irritate it.
- If you are unsure about what kind of wash to get, talk to your doctor or dermatologist.
- 3Eat healthy. Although the idea that eating certain foods, like chocolate, can lead to acne is a myth, diet does influence the body’s hormone levels, which can cause breakouts. In order to avoid breakouts, try to eat a balanced diet that is high in fruits, non-starchy vegetables, and whole grains. You should also avoid fatty, sugary, or processed foods. Eating a healthy and balanced diet will help regulate your hormones and prevent problematic breakouts.
- 4Limit stress. Although anxiety does not cause acne, it can make it worse. Stress causes your body to release hormones that can cause breakouts. To limit anxiety’s impact on your acne, try to relax and practice mindfulness. You can also exercise, which helps reduce anxiety.
- 5Avoid picking or popping your acne. If you do get acne, picking or popping your pimples can lead to infections and scarring. Messing with your blemishes also slows down their ability to heal and go away. If the unsightliness of the acne is bothering you, use a concealer to cover the blemish until it has healed.[5]
- 6
Visit a dermatologist. If you are having a hard time dealing with or managing your acne, you should talk to your doctor or a dermatologist. It is important that your acne is treated in order to prevent any scarring. They may prescribe medications, ointments, or washes designed to help deal with your acne. There are also various therapies, such as chemical peels and steroid injections, for more severe cases of acne
- Many prescribed treatments may take as many as weeks to work, so be patient.
Preventing Breakouts on Your Face
- 1
Try different makeups. Although makeup can be great for hiding acne, it can also cause breakouts. Over applying makeups or using particularly oily products can clog your pores and lead to infections. If you are getting breakouts on certain parts of your face, try a different product and see if it clears up.
- In general, try to use products that are oil-free or noncomedogenic. You should also look for makeups that contain acne-fighting ingredients.
- Always remove your makeup before you go to bed. If your skin is particularly oily, you may need to use a special makeup remover instead of simply washing your face.
- 2
Change your hair products. If you suffer from breakouts on your forehead, scalp, neck, and back, the culprit may be your hair products. Products like gels, pomades, and sprays tend to block pores and irritate your skin. They can also cause allergic reactions that can result in acne. To avoid acne, experiment with different products to find one that does not irritate your skin.
- In general, look for products with shorter and more natural ingredient lists. In particular, look for products that are fragrance-free and noncomedogenic (non-pore clogging).
- To avoid using too much product, consider washing your hair two or three times a week or rinse it with conditioner daily. You might also want to consider sleeping with your hair up to avoid rolling around in your dirty hair all night.
- If you believe that you are having an allergic reaction to a certain product, quit using it and talk to your doctor or a dermatologist. You may want to be tested so you know what to avoid in the future.
- 3Try not to touch your face. Because your hands come in contact with numerous objects during the day, they can transfer countless bacteria to your face, resulting in breakouts. If you rest your head in your hands, you may get breakouts on your chin or cheeks. To avoid this, wash your hands regularly and try to touch your face as little as possible.
- 4
Wear contacts instead of glasses. If you tend to get breakouts around your nose, your glasses may be the culprit. Your glasses house bacteria that can cause infections. In addition, they rub and put pressure on your skin, which can irritate it and stimulate oil production. If your glasses are causing you acne, consider using a spot treatment or ditching your glasses entirely and wear contacts.
- Be sure to regularly clean the nose pads of your glasses by washing them with hot soapy water. This remove any bacteria that might cause a breakout.
- 5
Limit plucking and facial waxing. Whenever you pull hairs from a follicle, you create an opening that is susceptible to infection. If you have your eyebrows plucked or any facial hair waxed, such as around your mouth and chin, you might see some breakouts. To avoid this, limit how often you pluck or wax any facial hairs.
- Shaving can have a similar effect, especially if you use a dull razor that pulls the hairs from the follicle instead of cutting them.
- Try sugaring or threading as alternatives to plucking or waxing.
- 6
Prepare and treat your skin properly, if you do pluck or wax. If you must pluck or wax your hair, use some basic precautions to avoid potential breakouts:
- Gently exfoliate and cleanse your skin before plucking or waxing. Use an anti-microbial pre-wax cleanser.
- Carefully clean your hands and nails before plucking and waxing, and wear disposable gloves during waxing and cleanup.
- Cleanse again after plucking or waxing, and gently exfoliate the next day. Keep the freshly waxed or plucked areas clean and free from sweat, dirt, or irritating products.
- 7
Put down your phone. Because most people take them everywhere (even to the bathroom) and touch them constantly, cellular phones are covered in bacteria. Whenever you talk on your phones, you are rubbing those bacteria all over your face. This can lead to breakouts on your cheeks and chin.
- To avoid any phone-related breakouts, consider using your phone’s speaker function or getting a hands-free Bluetooth headpiece.
- You can also minimize phone-related breakouts by regularly cleaning your phone with antibacterial wipes.
Avoiding Body Acne
- 1
Wear breathable clothes. If you get acne on your chest, back, or butt, consider wearing clothes that allow your skin to breathe. Tight-fitting clothes can trap moisture and irritate your skin, leading to breakouts. Instead, wear clothes made from natural fibers, such as cotton or silk, which allow airflow and wick away moisture.
- This is particularly important when it comes to clothes that you sweat in a lot, such as your exercise gear.
- If you get acne on your back from wearing a backpack, consider using a handbag or satchel instead.
- 2Shower immediately after working out. Once you finish working out, you should always take off your sweaty exercise clothes and take a shower. This allows your skin to breathe and washes away the oil and sweat that can cause breakouts. If your gym does not have a locker room with showers, make sure that you shower right away when you get home.
If you cannot shower immediately, consider using travel wipes that contain salicylic acid.
- 3
Remove body hair gently. Because it leaves pores and follicles susceptible to bacteria, removing body hair, by either shaving or waxing, can lead to breakouts. Instead, you might want to consider laser hair removal, which is less irritating to the skin. If you do have to shave, make sure that you use a shaving cream designed for sensitive skin.
- This is particularly important if you get acne around your bikini line.
- You can also try gentler alternatives, like sugaring and threading.
- 4
Do your laundry regularly. Because bacteria can hang out on your clothes and bedding, you should regularly wash all fabrics that come in contact with your skin. Bacteria on pillows can cause your face to break out and unwashed clothes can lead to body acne. Make sure you wash your clothes regularly and your bedding at least every two weeks.
- If you wear any hats, be sure to wash them regularly to prevent any breakouts on your forehead.
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