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What is callegari skin analyzer?

What is callegari skin analyzer?


callegari skin analyzer callegari skin analyzer callegari skin analyzer

The exclusive Soft Plus Concept: never has skin health assessment brought you so many benefits
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The Soft Plus concept is the exclusive method which assesses the health and beauty of:

Skin (complexion and body)
hair and hair scalp

with 6 measurements for the skin, including unique tests such a pH and temperature, innovative micro-camera consultation programs including a 3D analysis of wrinkles and pigmentation mapping, and up to 20 consultation programs to cover all of your clients needs (from top to toe)
Soft Plus is the only completely stand alone system (PC Linux system). Gone are the days when instruments are to be connected to PCs to operate or store patient files.

With Soft Plus, results may be obtained in two ways:

Quick view rapid print-out tests:

biological skin age

callegari skin analyzer callegari skin analyzer

or consultation programs which include:

Complexion health and beauty
Anti-ageing assessments
UV tolerance
Sensitive skin
Skin brightening
Pre-laser consultaion
Hands beauty
Hair Scalp Health
Cellulite and liquid retention screening
Acne consultation
Hair removal consultation

Together with the experts, the Soft Plus concept provides professionals unique benefits including enhanced services to clients, a powerful increase in repeat business of skincare items and treatments, fresh approaches to skincare and client communication.

callegari skin analysis

callegari skin analyzer

skin analyzer

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We are MAIKONG Skin Observed System|skin analysis|skin analyzer|skin scanner|skin analysis machine|skin analyst|skin scope|camera skin|skin diagnosis|face beauty analysis|skin analyzer machine|under the skin analysis|skin microscope|skin analyser|skin camera|skin machine| dermatology equipment|dermatology instruments|skin moisture analyzer|face analyser|skin testing machine|maschine skins|facial analysis software|skin magnified|skin analyser machine|skin scanner machine|skin analysis chart|maschine skin| skin instruments|skin inspection|skin scope machine|skin tester machine|skin analysis software|skin equipment|uv skin analyzer|dermo analyser,supplier in US.Unified Wholesale price.Welcome to inquiry and OEM.

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