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what do u think of tskin analyzerhis picture?

take a look and be honest please. does she have perfect skin? is her smile perfect? and is she pretty? does bad breath come to mind when u look at this picture? from her lips and expression, does it look like she has bad breath? and if u think she looks like she has bad breath, can u please explain y? be honest…
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skin analyzer machine suppliers take a look and be honest please. does she have perfect skin? is her smile perfect? and is she pretty? does bad breath come to mind when u look at this picture? from her lips and expression, does it look like she has bad breath? and if u think she looks like she has bad breath, can u please explain y? be honest please. and rate her beauty too. out of 10. thanks.

Maikang Ok… I’m guessing this is you :). Your hair color is absolutely GORGEOUS. And your eyes are beautiful. You’re very pretty, but not model pretty. We don’t want to go overboard. Nobody is model pretty, unless they are a model. And about the breath thing… You can’t really tell what something smells like from a picture unless it is a flower or something, you know? And I think it’s mean to rate people, but I would probably give you a 7-7.5… not really sure, but you shouldn’t always believe what people say on here. One person’s opinion isn’t always the truth… One thing I would suggest that would make you an 8-8.5: Get your eye brows done, and straighten your hair… maybe even get bangs. Some people look bad with bangs, but I think you could really pull it off. And maybe a very thin line of eyeliner under your eyes. But yes, you are pretty. And don’t believe anyone on here that says you aren’t, because they don’t know what they’re talking about. They’re probably just jealous ;).skin analyzer

Maikang Cute girl. She will have perfect skin once she gets out of her teens. What about this bad breath crap? What are you talking about?

Rate her beauty? I have a difficult time rating small girls or even calling them beautiful…skin analyzer

Maikang I don’t get y ur so obssessed wid d bad breath…..i think she’s very pretty…she does not have to be absolutely perfect right?

But she looks nice…id say a 8.5/10!skin analyzer

Maikang She’s pretty cute. What’s with the bad breath obsession?skin analyzer

Maikang I would say a 7 out of 10. Not stunning but still analyzer

Maikang LOL bad breath???? what the heck
forgot to rate her – she is a 7 – cute girl
skin analyzer

Maikang seems to me , your worried about bad breath , just flos sget your teeth cleaned and use a really good tooth brush like an electric oral tooth brush cost 70 bucks .if you eat prsly supposed to help with breath also your a 7skin analyzer

Maikang I would say she is like a 7. She has very nice skin. Her eyebrows could use a little analyzer

Maikang First off…you cant look at someone in a picture and tell whether or not they have bad breath. Second, she’s not hideous. If she dyed her hair black, or light brown…plucked her eyebrows and wore some makeup..she would look analyzer

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