What are two theories put forth to explain humskin analyzer magnifieran variation in color?
Maikang Skin color is the amount of melanin in your skin.
One reason for why it is darker closer to the equator is because when the sun hits your skin it destroys folic acid, which is needed to carry a baby to full term. So they’re skin needs to be darker to protect that folic acid.
Yet, the sun also stimulates vitamin D production. Vitamin D is necessary in healthy bone growth. It can lead to things such as rickets if you don’t get enough.
These two things are why there is so much variation in color among people. There must be this balance between vitamin D production and the amount of folic acid left. And this also explains the innuits in Alaska and why they’re so dark. You’d think they would need to be lighter based on this theory, but their diet is so vitamin D enriched that they don’t need the sun to stimulate the production, so their skin is darker to protect their folic acid.
I don’t know if that’s what you’re looking for.skin analyzer
Maikang I think humans settled in certain places and then were isolated by mountain ranges or oceans, then after thousands of years of breeding people in Northern Europe became paler due to lack of sunshine especially in the winter. Chinese and other eastern peoples, must’ve been a reason they developed, the way they are. Can’t explainskin analyzer
Maikang All the folks with lighter skin did not do well – they got sun stroke and what not. The people who did not over heat and die procreated and had a bunch of kids who could better withstand heat and sunlight. Over thousands of years. What is this theory called again?skin analyzer
Maikang Why do you want 2 theories when it is known perfectly well what causes variation in colour.
The brown colour is caused by melanin – the more melanin the darker your skin.
Natural selection accounts for different population having genes which code for different levels of melanin.
In practice it is not quite as simple as one gene coding for melanin, but the principle stands.
skin analyzer
Maikang the sun,weather depends on where u live ur skin will be darker or lighter E.G in africa the people have very dark skin cos it protects them from the sun,in iceland ppl are very pale cos they dont need to be protected from the sun or (uv lights)
(but it depends on the skin color of ur parents)skin analyzer
Maikang Diet & Environmentskin analyzer
Maikang location on earth, thus implying the amount of sun. but im pretty sure everyone has the same pigment it just how it reacts to sun lightskin analyzer
Maikang it all has to do with the sun and the amount of pigment in your skinskin analyzer
Maikang Well, two theories would be heredity and environment.skin analyzerMaikang natural selection
sexual selectionskin analyzer
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