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skin analyzer device

What is it?

skin analyzer machine 23

The skin analyzer device facial skin analysis system utilizes skin care photographic imaging tool that provides clinical measurement of surface and subsurface facial skin conditions, using digital images technologies via RGB visible light, PL polarized light, and UV spectrum. In use by cosmetic surgeons, dermatologists, and other medical and skin care professionals, the skin analyzer device system is a self-contained unit that captures multi-spectral photos of the face, examining the complexion forwrinkles, spots, pores, texture, porphyrins (evidence of bacteria in pores), UV spots (characteristic of photodamage, typically from overexposure to sun), pigmented spots and acne. Additionally, it grades an individual’s skin features relative to others of the same age and skin type.The system has the functions of imaging and analysis helps medical and skin care professionals develop more targeted treatment programs, communicate more effectively with clients, and better track treatment outcomes. Based on the recorded profile, the client’s facial rejuvenation program can also include optimized recommendations for ongoing skin care health, with the imaging as an invaluable aid in monitoring complexion vitality and checking effectiveness of the skin care regimen over time.Magic skin analyzer/ skin scanner/ magic mirror– Skin analysis and report – Customer management

skin analyzer machine softare 2

Why we need it?

skin analyzer device Features of magic skin analyzer/ skin scanner/ magic mirror:

Epidermaskin analysis, as color of depth, property of skins and other skin problems.

Dermaskin analysis, giving advice on potentiaskin disorders on dermalayer.

Wrinkle analysis: Property, density, depth and cleaning ways.

Speckles analysis: Analyze depth area, sizes, density accurately and how to dispeof speckles

Auto-analysis and report mechanism

UV Voice system

3: 4 Preview system, and Front slant window;

Adjustable chine-holder

Multilanguage support

Integrated customer management software and crystareport software

Electricawatchdog protection

Magic mirror skin analyzer

skin analyzer machine software skin analyzer machine software 2

Multifunction facial problem scanner skin analysis camera device 4 skin analyzer equipment skin analyzer malaysia 3

We are MAIKONG Skin Observed System|skin analysis|skin analyzer|skin scanner|skin analysis machine|skin analyst|skin scope|camera skin|skin diagnosis|face beauty analysis|skin analyzer machine|under the skin analysis|skin microscope|skin analyser|skin camera|skin machine| dermatology equipment|dermatology instruments|skin moisture analyzer|face analyser|skin testing machine|maschine skins|facial analysis software|skin magnified|skin analyser machine|skin scanner machine|skin analysis chart|maschine skin| skin instruments|skin inspection|skin scope machine|skin tester machine|skin analysis software|skin equipment|uv skin analyzer|dermo analyser,supplier in US.Unified Wholesale price.Welcome to inquiry and OEM.

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