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Is thskin analyzer machine samere a flea medication that actually works?

My border collie constantly is itching from fleas. He cuts up his skin and gets bites all over. I’ve tried frontline, Frontline plus and advantage. Is there anything that may actually kill skin analyzer malaysiaand prevent fleas?

Maikang You may have to treat your house if you want to get rid of the fleas for good. I would suggest scheduling an appt. with a groomer to give your dog a flea and tick bath. This will kill any fleas that are currently on your dog and it will also get your dog out of the house so you can use a fogger. I’ve used the ones made by Adams. The house has to be completely empty of all people and animals for I believe 4 hours ( It’s been a long time since I had to use them). Wash your dogs bedding, and then apply the Frontline no earlier than 3 days after the bath, if it has been less than a month since the last application, ask your vet if it is safe to apply it again. You may want to treat your yard as well. Hope your baby feels analyzer

Maikang Frontline, Advantage, and Revolution will kill fleas on contact but not fast enough to stop them from biting. If these products are not working for your collie it indicates to me that you have a source somewhere that is continually producing fleas to attack your dog. I think you need to aggressively spray your house and yard to kill all the fleas and flea eggs. You can find products at your pet store that are designed to be applied to your house and yard. Do you live in a rural area where other mammals might be bringing fleas into your area?skin analyzer

Maikang In order for the medication to work, you must use it regularly, each month, for as many months as it takes for all the eggs and fleas in your house and yard to be killed by the treatment. One month of any flea medication will not rid your dog of fleas. Frontline Plus is your best bet for flea prevention, it lasts a full 4 weeks, which is important for any dog with flea allergies (as it sounds like your dog has).skin analyzer

Maikang These products do work, however, they are not repellents to your dog. The products are pretty much designed to kill the fleas after they bite your dog. They do not repel the fleas. I have used Frontline Plus for analyzer

Maikang Advantix has always worked on my dogs. If you can’t seem to find something that works, you may need to take him to the groomer’s and get him a short hair cut, and then reapply. Then the fleas will have nowhere to hide=)skin analyzer

Maikang I use Adams Flea and tick spray. It works really good. U can buy it at any local feed store and some walmarts carry it. It also repels mosquito’s. Plus u can use it on cats analyzer

Maikang u can check wit your local vet because i had the same problem wit my puppies and they took K9 advantage but since u’ve already tried it don’t use it again. try a powerful flea shampoo in the meantimeskin analyzer

Maikang I have found that if you follow the program closley (give the medication on time) that Frontline+ works pretty good on all my animals (2 dogs, 5 cats)
I know u said u have already used it, but idk what other brands to reccomend….
Good luck with your doggie!
skin analyzer

Maikang try the product “revolution”. i use this and my dog has never had analyzer

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