Forget skin analyzer eh 900u: Try This Instead
SKIN ANALYZER EH-900Uskin analyzer eh 900u
Alat canggih untuk menganalisa kulit anda, terdiri dari lima modul analisis yang tersedia untuk menganalisis perubahan Sebum kulit, Pigment, Collagen, Elastisitas, Pori, Jerawat, Sensitivitas, Moisture dan dilengkapi dengan Analisis Laporan yang bisa diprint serta database pelanggan yang tersimpan dengan rapi.
Hasil analisis bisa ditampilkan dalam bentuk 3 Dimensi, serta ada fasilitas setting Produk yang anda jual. Sehingga dapat mendongkrak penjualan produk kecantikan anda hingga 1000 %
Alat ini sangat cocok untuk Klinik Kecantikan / Skin Care, ahli kecantikan, salon, MLM kecantikan, dll.
Perlengkapan dalam Unit :
1 unit Mesin dengan kotak Elegan
1 buah Lensa
1 buah Kabel USB Konektor
1 buah CD Instalasi Aplikasi dan Software
1 Buah buku Panduan
1 Buah Flask Disk sebagai Kunci
1 Lembar Petunjuk acuan Kulit
Garansi 1 Tahun
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What is skin analyzer eh 900u?
What is skin analyzer eh 900u?
(1) The spectral analysis by RGB, PL and UV.
(2) Automatic area location.
(3) Analysis result can be saved and printed.
(4) Unique program-controlled switch system to get HD images.
(5) Filming, transmission, analysis etc can be completed once.
The Skin Analyzer System own two special lighting systems (RGB +UV) and smart skin analyzer software that allows two images (before and after beauty care) can be compared side by side, which is very different visual effects to be felt. Once the Skin Analysis System emits visible RGB light and safe UV light to the skin, various chromophores in skin cells respond to the light differently send back remitted light. The reflected light is captured by the digital camera and analyzed by software for the light absorbed at various wavelengths, then the images created from computer analysis show the skin condition and future prediction.
What is skin analyzer eh 900u?
What is skin analyzer eh 900u
This On-The-Go Skin Diagnostic Tool is designed to perform eight types of skin test including – Hydration, Sebum, Pore, Pigmentation, Wrinkle, Elasticity, Sensitivity and Acne
• Ordering period: Back Order has been extended from 31st October, while stocks last.
• Targeted delivery: Back Order is limited and will be fulfilled in batches beginning mid-December 2017 onwards. Stocks will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis.
• This particular Back Order is only available to Platinums & Above. ABOs who wish to purchase can do so via their upline Platinums.
• The skin analyzer eh 900u is not covered by the AMWAY Satisfaction Guarantee, but by a separate manufacturer’s warranty. Its warranty period is 12 months from the date of receiving stock.
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