before and after chemical peel
A chemical peel is a treatment that can be applied on the face, neck, hands, or other parts of the body. When done on the face, it intends to treats wrinkles that results from aging and sun burns, pimple marks, acne scars, and spots, hence making the skin to look young and smooth. It also reduces the lines under the eyes and on the face especially around the mouth.
Chemical peel for acne is effective in the treatment of skin damages caused by acne scars. It improves the look of the skin that is damaged from other skin blemishes as well. The dark patches and sports that results from pregnancy and birth control pills can also be done away using this method.
Types of Chemical Peel
Chemical peels are categorized in different types depending on the chemicals used and on how deeply the chemical penetrates in to the skin. There are different factors that affect the depth of the peel. They include; chemical concentration, the amount of time given before neutralizing the acid and also the number of coats applied to the affected area. When a deep chemical peel is performed it become more susceptible to risks and more painful compared to superficial peels. Therefore there are three types of peels:
First and foremost we have the superficial peels. This chemical peel the mildest and therefore it can be used on all types of skin. The type of acid used is usually diluted. Mostly glycolic chemical peel is used at home using superficial peel. In some cases dry ice is used.
Secondly there is a medium peel. In this type the peeling agent penetrates deeper that in the superficial peel. This type is characterized by some pain. Trichloroacetic acid is peeling agent mostly preferred in medium peel.
Thirdly is a deep peel. Deep peel penetrates several skin layers. Phenol is the peeling agent. Darker skin types may not be ideal for deep peel simply because they tend to cause bleaching of the skin. This type of chemical peel is only done on the face mostly once because phenol can even bleach light skinned people.
Deep Chemical Peel
different types of chemical peels for acne scars
types of chemical peels for acne
Deep peel is more complicated and painful than other types of chemical peels. Phenol peel solution is known historically for deep peel. It is done using the procedure below;
The oral sedative or pain relievers are administered. This can be done orally or intravenously using anesthetic injections.
When the surface area being peeled is large, the doctor may recommend you to be under heart monitor in due process. Phenol is toxic when absorbed in to the body in large quantities. Intravenous fluids may also be given.
Your skin or the surface to be peeled is thoroughly cleaned. The phenol solution is then applied to the cleaned surface and allowed to penetrate. You will be given a short break before other area is peeled. This helps to regulate the amount of phenol absorbed in the body system. After the set time elapses neutralizing agent will be applied.
The peeled area may be covered by tape to heal deeper damaged areas. The tape is removed after 2 days or ointment may be applied then be washed away after a day.
The amount of time taken to complete the process depends on the surface area being peeled. Larger area can take one and half hours while a small area can take 30 minutes to 1 hour.
Light Chemical Peel
Light chemical peel is also known as superficial peel. It is mainly done on the surface of the skin. Before the peeling agent is applied, the skin is cleaned with water. The peeling chemical is then applied to the area using a soft brush or a cotton wool. The chemical is then allowed to penetrate the skin for some minutes depending with the type of chemical used for peeling.
The treated area is then rinsed with cool water to neutralize the peeling agent. Alcohol can also be used in place of water. You may feel slight irritation and burning of the skin which ends after the peeling process is over. This can be controlled by a simple handheld fan that relieves the irritation.
Medium Chemical Peel
The procedure used for medium peel is similar that of light peel but here the chemical is left to soak in the skim for more time. This will allow the peeling chemical to penetrate deeper in to the skin than in superficial peel.
Your skin may irritate and have a second degree of burning. But there will be little burning after the process. Your skin may have some swellings or turn reddish 1 to 2 days after the peeling process. Some people may take 6 to seven days to heal before they can use their routine makeups.
Chemical Peel for Acne Scars
Acne is one of the most devastating skin problems. Other mentioned types of chemical peels can help in lightening the scars and marks caused acne. Chemical peels are good treatment for mild acne scarring.
TCA and salicylic acid are some of the best chemical treatments to deal with scars. They help to treat acne scars, lighten hyperpigmentation and dark spots on the face.
Chemical Peel before and After Pictures
Various pictures can help you get over view of the results from different skin complexions that have employed this treatment.

Chemical Peels – A E Skin – Med Spa Encino, CA

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