If you are looking to improve the appearance of your skin, a chemical peel might be exactly what the doctor ordered. This treatment is quite effective because it takes a chemical solution and applies it to the skin. Once the solution works its magic, it will cause the skin to blister. And once the skin begins to blister, it will eventually begin to peel off.
2)Chemical Peels and What You Should Know
When your skin starts to peel off, that’s precisely when the magic is going to happen. Because the skin under it is going to come to the surface, and this new skin is always less wrinkled, less used and abused and much smoother. So you truly get to take advantage of a fresh faced appearance by peeling off the older, clogged, dead layers of skin with a powerful chemical peel.
When you get a chemical peel, it can be used for more than just your face. Many people actually use chemical peels on their hands and neck as well. And they typically work the best to help improve areas of the skin that were damaged by the sun.
After a chemical peel has been completed, your skin is going to be a lot more sensitive to the sun, but this is only a temporary development, so do not fear the need to avoid the sun forever. But if you are going to go outside immediately after a chemical peel, it’s definitely in your best interest to wear sunscreen at all times when you are outside.
Here is a chemical peel before and after video by Jessica Rom. An esthetician by trade, she has amazing skin already, but you can see how the peel changed her skin after just one week.
In fact, it’s important that you use the right type of sunscreen as well in order to attain maximum protection. Instead of buying the cheapest sunscreen available, make sure you purchase a broad spectrum sunscreen that can provide full protection against UVA and UVB rays of the sun. And finally, make sure your sunscreen of choice is SPF 30 or above. Anything less will not protect your skin enough and the freshly peeled skin could experience further damage from the ultraviolet rays.
Last but not least, after undergoing a chemical peel, it’s best if you wear a wide brimmed hat when spending time outside. You only have to wear this hat while the sun is at its strongest, so keep it on top of your head between the hours of 10 AM and 2 PM in order to attain maximum protection.
Is There an Ideal, Perfect Candidate for a Chemical Peel?
In truth, there are certain people that make better candidates for a chemical peel than others. Those with light-skinned complexions – and they usually have light hair as well – will often experience the best results when undergoing a chemical peel.
That’s not to say that people with a darker complexion do not qualify, because nothing could be further from the truth. When you have darker skin, it actually depends on the particular reason why you are looking for a chemical peel treatment to begin with. If you fit the right mold – your dermatologist will tell you – then you can also get a chemical peel. But please be aware that darker skinned people will typically have an uneven skin tone once the chemical peel is through, and that might be reason enough why you would want to avoid this procedure in this instance.

Chemical peels do not necessarily work for all types of skin blemishes. For the most part, they will not help to remove saggy skin, skin bulges and severe wrinkles. There are other cosmetic procedures that work wonders for all of these conditions, and your dermatologist will let you know which procedure will be the best for your specific needs.
3)How Are Chemical Peels Performed?
It’s possible to get a chemical peel in one of two places. You can either get it at your local doctor’s office, or you might be referred to have it done at a surgery center. Remember, this is an outpatient procedure so you’re not going to have to stay overnight, and this is obviously a good thing for many since most people do not want to stay overnight in a hospital setting.
The person performing the chemical peel will initially perform a thorough cleansing of your skin. Then this individual is going to apply chemical solutions to your skin including trichloroacetic acid, glycolic acid, carbolic acid, lactic acid, salicylic acid directly to small portions of your skin.
After the chemicals are applied, you’ll experience a small wound due to the chemical burning sensation. Once this wound exists, the skin will eventually peel off, and then new skin is going to take its place.
For the most part, people will typically experience a burning sensation that they will feel for about 5 to 10 minutes when undergoing a chemical peel. It is possible to ease the stinging sensation by placing a cold compress on the skin in the areas that experience the chemical burn. It is also quite possible that the feeling of pain might be too severe for you to handle. If this is the case, you could always talk to the doctor and ask for a pain medication prescription to help ease your suffering.
4)What Can I Expect after a Chemical Peel Is Completed?
Once the chemical peel is completed, there are certain things that you should expect to occur. But it all depends on the particular chemicals that were used and the type of chemical peel that you underwent.
No matter what, your skin will experience a reaction as if you had gotten sunburned. And just like any good sunburn, once the skin finishes blistering it will eventually peel off. New skin will take its place after the peeling and scaling is through. The peeling process usually takes about 3 to 7 days after the chemical treatment was completed.
If your chemical peel was mild, you could potentially repeat it within 1 to 4 weeks in order to get the results that you desire. Talk to your dermatologist to find out what he or she recommends.
Thanks for taking the time to learn about the ins and outs of chemical peels and what they can do for you.